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( On-ix ) (Kowe-Lah-Poe ) ( Ee-Yah-Wah )

I provide personalized forecast readings in a written report. It's always nice to have a heads up for your chosen timeframe & to know what to focus on during that time.

Blessings & Growth to all reading this.

If you're here, you're here for a reason, so welcome. My name is Onyx & I've been reading tarot since I was a young girl. Tarot cards have given me great insight throughout my life & they can provide much guidance to anyone who's open to their messages. Like with any spiritual tool, it's important to remember that we all still have free will & are not obligated to follow any message that these tools provide. Allow the cards to give you some personalized insight & you can do with that information what you please.

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My Forecast for The Week


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My 2 Week Forecast



My Forecast for Next Month


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